Headshot of Cory Tomczyk, Wisconsin State Senate conservative candidate

Hi, I am Cory Tomczyk.

I am a lifelong Central Wisconsinite. My wife Becky and I have two grown kids and three grandchildren. We’ve made our home and our living in the Mosinee area since 1988.

Thirty-two years ago, while working full time on the second shift at Kolbe and Kolbe, I started IROW (Industrial Recyclers of Wisconsin). My wife and I know the value of hard work, risk taking and perseverance. Together with our wonderful employees we nurtured what is now a thriving Central Wisconsin business. In 1998 IROW was the recipient of the Wausau Chamber of Commerce, “Small business of the Year Award.”

God has blessed me and my family. Consequently, I have been able to contribute time and treasure to local republican representatives and to local republican causes. But like someone who I admire deeply, Senator Ron Johnson, I decided that wasn’t enough. I decided to run for office myself.  And just like Senator Johnson has done for us in Washington DC, I promise to do the same, to bring honest business “know-how” and tenacious conservative principles to Madison, not just a bunch of political rhetoric!


  • Guaranteed Conservative

    Are you tired of establishment republicans who depend on your conservative support to get elected - only to see them betray that support when they get to Madison? I promise - My positions will not moderate and they will not “evolve“ once I’m in office. I am an unapologetic Conservative first and a republican second.

  • On Government

    A great president, Ronald Reagan once said, “Man is not free unless government is limited.” I believe this - and I know you do too. Too many politicians and unelected bureaucrats seem to think its their job to tell us how to live our lives. Its simple – Tax less, Spend less, Regulate less and Mandate less!

  • On Guns

    Our Founding Fathers knew that right to” keep and bear Arms” had nothing to do with duck-hunting or even personal self-defense. These were a given and understood by all free people. The real purpose for the 2nd Amendment is to protect ALL of our rights, even from our own Federal government should it become tyrannical. James Madison explained this basic right in Federalist #46.

  • On K-12 Education

    Parents want their children educated not indoctrinated! It’s time to bring back the A-B C and to get rid of CRT. There is only one sure way to let parents control their children’s education. I support Vouchers. Fund the Students not the Bureaucracy!

  • On Abortion

    Life begins at the point of conception and taking innocent life is morally wrong. The Constitution does not give or imply to give a “right” to abortion. And the taxpayer should never, ever have to fund it!

  • On Crime

    Stop demonizing the police, stop excusing criminals and let’s support Law and Order! We need prosecutors that will enforce ALL the laws, not pick and choose. The Kenosha riots were proof of what happens when we are easy on criminals and tough on the police. Punish criminals and Back the Blue!

  • On Election Fraud

    There is more than ample evidence to suggest that the 2020 election went wrong, Really Wrong! Conservatives may never win an election again if we don’t get to the truth. It’s not time to just “move on.” It’s time to investigate, prosecute and convict.


Keeping up with Cory.

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